Control Panel Version

Written by Anja Bußmann / 28.03.2022 / Control Panel,Release-Notes


  • Multi-factor authentication in the Control Panel has been introduced for non-365-Total-Protection customers. With this new functionality, administrators of these customers now have the option to configure multi-factor authentication for their own account. Multi-factor authentication in the Control Panel uses the TOTP protocol to generate a six-digit one-time password on a second device. The following functionalities are included in this release:
    • Administrators can manage multi-factor authentication for themselves and as an option for other users from their company (enabling/disabling multi-factor authentication for a domain, resetting multi-factor authentication for a mailbox etc.).
    • Users can optionally configure multi-factor authentication in self-service using a device and app of their choice (e. g., Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, browser plug-in).
    • Any changes in the configuration of multi-factor authentication can be traced in the “Auditing 2.0” module.
    • The mailbox overview in the “Mailboxes” module shows the configuration state for every mailbox.
  • The support email address that is displayed at the top of the Control Panel is now clickable. Users can directly open their email client to send an email to support.
  • When an administrator selects a different scope from the scope selection, a message is displayed that the navigation menu has changed according to the selected scope. The administrator can hide this message in the future.


  • The date and time format selection now shows sample dates and times.
  • The synchronization of primary email addresses with Microsoft 365 has been improved.
  • An error while customizing the email template for a password reset has been fixed.
  • An error message in the “Groups” module has been improved.