your referral bonus

Employees wanted – 1.500 Euro bonus!

Refer a new employee to us and earn a bonus of 1500 Euro.
We are growing fast, therefore we are always looking for new members for the Hornetsecurity team.
We are also always looking for new apprentices. For the placement of an apprentice you will receive a bonus of 500 Euro.

If you know someone who fits our open positions, let us know!

Simply fill out the form below and submit your proposal. You will receive the bonus once the employee started with us. Please note that we will only use the personal data submitted within the scope of this campaign and will not use it for any other purpose.

(Candidates that are already in the recruiting process cannot be considered for the referral bonus. Subsequent recommendations cannot be taken into account.)

*In North Macedonia the referral bonus applies only to employees.
* In the Philippines the bonus is 500 Euro.